#8 Go Live

Go-live within sight We founded Stockanalyzer to make a dream come true. The dream of creating something great! Getting the creativity out of our heads and onto paper. We make an adventure of our life. The adventure is called Stockanalyzer...

#7 The portfolio

…ursprünglich zur Beobachtung eines Sammelsuriums der eigenen Lieblingsaktien gedacht, wächst unerwartet weiter. Wie so oft in der StartUp Szene entwickelt sich eine ursprüngliche Idee in eine völlig neue Richtung, um erfolgreich durchzustarten. Ganz ähnlich...

#6 The comparison tool

A smorgasbord becomes a successful evaluation! When I started reading books about stocks, the stock market and a wide variety of investment strategies, I by no means dreamed of a stock valuation and a start-up. I just wanted to learn something. Armed with a...

#5 beta testing phase

The beta test has started! About 1 month ago we started a beta test campaign on Facebook. We initiated the next step towards GoLive with the following words: Tedious data searches and lengthy evaluations in Excel are your daily companions...

#2 The Story of Stockanalyzer - Part 1

How it all started! At the age of 16, I asked my mother's bank advisor if there wasn't a more profitable investment than home savings. He referred me to mutual funds and stocks. When I first started looking into stocks and company valuations,...