…originally intended for observing a hodgepodge of one's favorite stocks, unexpectedly continues to grow. As so often in the start-up scene, an original idea develops in a completely new direction in order to get off to a successful start. It was very similar with our portfolio.
We built an improved tracking list to be able to monitor the analyzed stocks over a longer period of time. The beta tests quickly revealed that many investors face a very big challenge if they want to keep track of all their investments in the stock market. Investments are often made with different brokers due to fees, recommendations or time constraints. Now, these brokers are mostly user-unfriendly and logically only show the shares bought on the respective depots and their performance.
With us you can enter all purchased shares as well as their number, price and purchase date. From this point on, the performance, the country and industry diversification are adjusted to the registered shares. Every new entry or exit has an impact on performance. If a share is sold, the performance is adjusted for the depreciation so that the actual profit of the current portfolio is always displayed.
A user-friendly solution that we were able to create thanks to suggestions from our valuable beta testers.
have fun creating
Your Finvaley team
Your Finvaley team