First you have to look at the actual situation of the average Otto consumer in the area of finance. You go to the bank, where you stash your hard-earned money in savings accounts and home savings accounts, some of which now even cost more than they bring in. Insurance companies lure with "super" offers and overpriced life insurance. If you want to venture into riskier territory, you are offered a fund where the fund manager's commission eats up the profits.
Stockanalyzer not only delivers raw data, we also analyze it according to value investing standards and compare companies with each other. This means that every customer can have their desired stock analyzed with Stockanalyzer and receive an assessment that measures the stock based on the ratio of the current price to the real value.
For the first time, as a stock investor, you get a factual, completely independent analysis of data from the balance sheet, income statement, cash flow, etc. The big advantage of Stockanalyzer is that we don't talk customers into anything and thus bring in subjective effects. We provide our customers with a tool with which they can be informed objectively about the current status of various stocks and use this to derive investments independently and on their own responsibility.
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