by David Bader | Jul 18, 2020 | Uncategorized
CHALLENGES IN SOCIETY ARE EVERYONE'S BUSINESS! Not every member of a society is doing well. Becoming aware of this is an important first step in the right direction, namely to do something about it. Whether integrating disabled people... by David Bader | Jun 12, 2020 | Uncategorized
Zunächst muss man sich die Ist-Situation des Otto-Normalverbrauchers im Bereich Finanzen ansehen. Man geht zur Bank, bunkert dort sein hart verdientes Geld auf Sparbüchern und Bausparern, die mittlerweile teils sogar mehr kosten, als sie einbringen. Versicherungen... by David Bader | May 31, 2020 | Uncategorized
Go-live within sight We founded Stockanalyzer to make a dream come true. The dream of creating something great! Getting the creativity out of our heads and onto paper. We make an adventure of our life. The adventure is called Stockanalyzer... by David Bader | Apr 27, 2020 | Uncategorized
…ursprünglich zur Beobachtung eines Sammelsuriums der eigenen Lieblingsaktien gedacht, wächst unerwartet weiter. Wie so oft in der StartUp Szene entwickelt sich eine ursprüngliche Idee in eine völlig neue Richtung, um erfolgreich durchzustarten. Ganz ähnlich... by David Bader | Apr 15, 2020 | Uncategorized
A smorgasbord becomes a successful evaluation! When I started reading books about stocks, the stock market and a wide variety of investment strategies, I by no means dreamed of a stock valuation and a start-up. I just wanted to learn something. Armed with a...